on the subject of ring count, I remember being shocked when doing the interview with Rose City on cedar shafts, Jerry told me that you cant go by ring count to determine the stiffness, spine of the wood. He said that through the years of making arrow shafts, he can determine where the highest spine trees come from in his area, and has nothing to do with ring count. it has more to do with the topography, soil, and wind in that area. so now we can be confused further

when I am checking out a yew stave to make a bow out of, I go for the heavier or more dense feeling stave, since these have yielded the best bows for me, if the stave is real light, the bow sometimes broke. maybe not initially, but eventually failed. I have read about the old time bowyers marking the uphill side of the stave, or the top of a limb, to make most use of the tension side of the tree. we may never know the truth, but is is sure fun experimenting