Jesse gave me a big 'ol bi face the other day. I don't know why he didn't make something from it
But he said I could have it
I'd been studying it for a day or two trying decide what I was gonna do with it and finally decided it was gonna be a Clovis or nothing!
I thinned it down some and narrowed it a little. Set up a nipple (as he described) took a deep breath and hit it just like it was any other isolated worked
. Set up the other nipple and gave it a good whack too! Unbelievably...still one piece
I'm real happy with one side. The other one stopped a little short cause it hit a small step. I could have probably made a little stronger platform and gotten a little deeper/longer flutes. But for my first try, I'm just tickled I didn't have to break out the super glue.
Thanks Jesse
BTW, my wife has the good camera with her. Sorry for the crappy pics.
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