Well, didn't know I was fancy, Tim
. All I was getting at was, when you make your first run of flakes, don't try to push them all the way to the middle or across. A lot of people try this and end up pushing so hard so they can take that, one, flat spot out, they end up snapping the point. (snapping, not fancy
). when you are knapping slabs you have to constantly; grind the edge, side to side, taking off the underhinge. Then grind your edge again, to set up your platforms, file your copper pressure flaker after each run of flakes. IF YOU HAVE TO PUSH HARD, FILE YOUR PRESSURE FLAKER AND GRIND YOUR EDGE, AND SET UP PLATFORMS.
It's not just pop, pop, turn it over and repeat. Thinning a Slab is just as time consuming, and to me, a lot more abrading, than working spalls. just look at some pictures of FOG's. If you want pretty points you have to take your time.