Author Topic: Basic Stuff  (Read 2747 times)

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Offline Swamp Bow

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Basic Stuff
« on: October 23, 2009, 12:26:05 am »
HI all,
  I'm thinking about getting into knapping, mostly to make serviceable points.  But who knows, I hear it can get addictive !  ;D  I've watched a couple/few hours worth of Youtube vids and have come to the realization I need a VERY basic tutorial that covers tools, usage, terminology, and technique.  Maybe I've just been watching the wrong tutorials.  I either can't see what the knapper is talking about, or they assume I already have the basics.   A nice example is grinding with an edge with a stone.  They often say "be sure to grind really well" (to keep the edge from crumbling), but exactly what and where and how much is usually glossed over or the piece is quickly shown to the camera in a blur and I'm left scratching my head.  Again just an example.  I'm really looking forward to looking at those same vids again once I know enough to actually learn from them.  Maybe a change of format such as a written tutorial with pics or illustrations would be good? 

From the middle of a swamp in SW Florida.

Offline FlintWalker

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 01:57:29 am »
If you haven't watched any of the videos by Paleomanjim, you should.
 He's not only a world class knapper, but he's also very informative.  He explains what he's doing as he does it and the video quality is very good.
Be thankfull for all you have, because no matter how bad you think it can always be worse.

Offline Hardawaypoints

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2009, 08:40:22 am »
Find another knapper in your area who can show you firsthand.  You can ask questions that would not be possible by looking at a video. Not to take away from Jim Winn's turorials, they're great.

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Offline cowboy

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2009, 09:50:48 am »
I third paleomanJim's utubes. A great book (the only one I've looked at) is the art of flintknapping by DC Waldorf. Has illustration's of platforms, angles, everything to get you started. Can't beat getting together with an instructor though. You should look around and try to attend some knap-ins..
When you come upon a track or trail you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.

Offline Swamp Bow

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2009, 11:27:00 am »
Thanks guys.  I've seen some of Paleomanjim's stuff.  He's got a bunch, I guess I grabbed the wrong ones.  I will certainly revisit his stuff.  So anyone close to Ft Myers FL?  ;D There will be some knap-ins at the beginning of next year.  I would just like to get the basics down enough so I actually know which questions to ask once I'm there.  That and ah well I'm being impatient to start. LOL

From the middle of a swamp in SW Florida.

Offline StevenT

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2009, 12:00:38 pm »
All the stuff above is good advice. Just to touch on your grinding question, though. First, be sure to understand the basics leading up to grinding... center line and making a platform and angle of strike. Once you have your platform, the idea of griding is not so much litterally grinding the platform. All it really means it to sand it with a sand stone so it is not smooth. This gives the hammerstone, bopper or flaker a place to grab. Basically a rough edge contacting a rough edge. Otherwise the blow is contacting a smooth surface and instead of grabbing the stone and ripping a flake off, the blow just slides and fractures or powders the edge. This leads to step fractures or crushed edges.  If all is well in the prep... good centerline, platform, grind and angle of blow, that is were you get the flake. Other stuff such as contour of the rock... how you hold your mouth  :), yada, yada, yada... come into play, but those are the basics and hopefully answers your question about "grinding".  Now, if you are like me, have a tendency to get lazy. I find myself trying to take a flake off without grinding and almost every time I end up with a crushed edge. I know it, I do it anyway and cuss myself every time. Some of us old dogs are just stubburn like that.

Offline Bill Skinner

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2009, 01:13:12 pm »  There are two knap ins, one in late Jan and the other in Feb.  There will be several world class knappers there.  Bill

Offline Swamp Bow

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2009, 03:02:47 pm »
Steven: Thanks for the quick run down on grinding.  That is exactly what I need to do, "understand the basics leading up to grinding".  I always say it depends on the moon phase.

Bill:  Yep, looking forward to them.  I just want to get some basics down first so I can ask questions that are appropriate for the teacher.

From the middle of a swamp in SW Florida.

Offline StevenT

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2009, 03:18:18 pm »
See, that is were I've been messing up. Concentrating too much on getting my mouth set right before I swing and I forgot to take the moon phase into account.  :) :)  Here is another little tip for you I have found out. If you use a copper bopper, it will work better after it gets roughed up a bit. If your bopper cap is nice an new and shinny take it out to the sidewalk and rough it up a bit. Just little whacks to roughen the surface. It will work a whole lot better grabbing the edge of the flint.

Offline Hardawaypoints

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2009, 06:14:36 pm »
There is also a companion video for D.C. Waldorf's "Art of Flintknapping" that is quite helpful. The good thing about videos is you can refer back to them as often as you need.

Good luck on your knapping journey.

Luck counts, good or bad.

Offline Swamp Bow

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2009, 08:15:11 pm »
Thanks again everyone

From the middle of a swamp in SW Florida.

Offline stickbender

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Re: Basic Stuff
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2009, 11:36:43 pm »

     Like they said.  ;)  Also you can go to and they have a free download, on making arrowheads.  8)
