Dano/Pappy: Cool. That would be about 95" +/-. ELB's, I'm 6'3"...
Dwardo: I've got a plumbers rack that came with my big truck, so that means I could cut them at 25' and let 2.5' hang off the front and back!

Seriously, I got ya, leave them at a length that I can reasonably deal with.
PatB: Yup AC or die! Of course we only turn on the AC because of the dog and cats! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

I'll see if I can't sneak one or two into the house. I'll be turning it off soon I hope, but that will only be for a few months. What about putting one in the water heater closet?
Being cedar, do I need to worry about bugs? Also can I stack them horizontally after a couple of months once the lion's share of moisture gets out? I just need too remember where I put my froe now.