Cowboy, old friend, you can stop by here and put your feet under my table anytime. I am overwhelmed, amazed and very much humbled by the generosity and workmanship of your gifts. Simply amazing.........items that are both useable and practical and at the same time are truly primitive craft........
These tools, or weapons......depending on the situation are ......well........back to square one.......amazing, overwhelming, generous...and all the rest.
here's what i found when i snuck into work today: A large white PVC pipe, sealed with a screwed in endcap. Inside there was a bow......a great bow, Carolina Oak and rawhide, a work of art, stained, varnished, ready to string. Then I saw the arrows....three cane arrows with PERFECT turkey fletching, self nocks and amazing knapped points ninewed on.......and then the letter from Cowboy describing all these things, and making reference to a knife too!! So, I got back into the wrapping paper and , danged if there wasn't a wonderful knapped knife set in an antler handle. I felt like i should go shoot AND OPEN A MUSEUM all at once .
I did go out and shoot later, at home, different arrows of course. That bow shoots like a dream. I feel guilty shooting I've taken away your best, what a great stick.
Anyway, here's some pics.
THANKS COWBOY!!!! piper.....humbly