I like to think of this one as a "group effort"
Ya see, David knight glued it up and partially tillered it. Me, Pappy, RyanO and GregB finished the tiller out. RyanO assisted me in shaping the handle and GregB very graciously gave me some pre shaped tip overlays.

The bow is a boo backed, osage core, ipe bellied tri-lam with a bocote accent strip and Brazilian cherry handle. David glued it up on his highly deflexed/reflexed form.
The tips are bocote and black horn. They actually came from the Tom B memorial bow that blew up. Greg said he liked shaping tips and didn't mind doing some others for the new bow so he gave them to me. I didn't mind at all, and am honered to have them on my bow.
I dyed the bamboo brown fading into black before adding the copperhead skins. I like the way they turned out.
She draws 51# @27" and is 60" ntn.
I really like the way this bow shoots. It's as fast and smooth as any glass bow and much quieter.
We put it through the ringer a couple weeks ago at Pappys place. I bet we shot it at least 200 times. But the real test came when I handed it to 'ol "bow breaker" Greg

He shot it a bunch and it's still in one piece. So I reckon it's a good 'un.
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