Our archery club has forty-two targets throughout a beautiful woods. Snakes, usually garter or corn snakes will, find their way between the paper, backed with cardboard target, and the butt. Its not uncommon to pull an arrow with blood on it, and plop. a snake falls at your feet from behind the target. At our usual wednesday gathering, one fellow, that use to drive from a nearby city for years, had this happen to him. He came back to the club house in a rather agitated state claiming he had a close encounter with a copperhead. I went to check it out, and sure enough, corn snake. We don't have copperheads around hear, and I guess, in a moment of anxiety one could make that mistake, if we were in a part of the country where copperheads exist. We haven't seen him since! Too bad, we need all the members we can get these days.
Strongbow, You should view your warty little friend as a talisman, keep him and feed him only the very best bugs you can find and upon his demise, mummify him and wear him as an amulet, that is of course providing your hunting improves. If not, lay him under the left front tire of the nearest vehicle that you have access to and back over him, and bury him where you originally found him.