Now that I know how to work this perputer I will post some cool stuff every now and then. I have been building and hunting with all wood and selfbows since 1989, I learned from Dave Kissenger and have been building bows steadily ever sense. The bow above is 58 NTN 68ish# at 26in. I built the bow last winter for this hunting season. It was built with a fairly descent stave with pretty bad prop twist. I used dry heat and grease to make all corrections and for reflexing the tips. I have been fooling with deflexing the selfbows right out of the fades to lower stress on short bows and reduce set during the tiller process it also seems to keep the bows performance more stable after grueling days of hunting. I will include a pic of the bull I killed a couple of weeks ago. The arrow passed completely through the bull penetrating the far side scapula that is the wound pictured in the photo. I do not want any of the bows I post to be considered for any contests. The bow pictured is the bow I shot at the Moses Lake Wa. Rock shoot, it probably has over 1000 arrows through it now. The picture with the pack is above the arctic circle on my moose hunt. Enjoy
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