O.K, I attempted to post this earlier but I don't think it worked, so, I'm trying again.
This is the 5th bow I've made. It is hophornbeam with hophornbeam bark back and belly.
The bark is amazingly strong in tensile strenght as well as compression.
The bow is 48" long ( 46" n to n ) It pulls 52 pounds at 26' draw. It can handle a 28" draw, but being a small man, I am still practicing to handle that last 2" with comfort.
Pics arent the greatest, but I'm no photographer!
Hope the pictures post this time. I resized them, so maybe it will work now.
The tiller on this bow isn't perfect, but it is incredibly fast and accurate, so I'm not going to "fuss" with it.
Hope you all like it! and thanks for looking!
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