Author Topic: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!  (Read 2879 times)

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Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« on: October 13, 2009, 11:40:44 am »
Hey hows it hanging??? Some of u know me from the boards not setting my camera to the right setting and u need a telescope to see what Im doing in my pics... I will fix that but as right now I have a snakey piece of what u guys call hophornbeam I know it as Iron wood I want to make a flat/long bow out of it possible for a good friend...ken75 incase the maple holmegaard decides to shatter..the maple I used feels awfully light I heat treated it and will back it but am worried....anyway got any suggestions to consider I dont remember ever using that stuff its extremely dense and dont like to break very easy!!! PS stop reading and start posting ur in my house NOW!!!! >:( >:( ;)

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« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 11:47:09 am by VenomBOWslinger »


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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2009, 11:45:34 am »
Some of that stash is mostly hickory I have oak musclewood in there maple and cherry!!! That knotty piece of cherry will mostly be used for overlays or handles material...perhaps plane it down for backing!!! HEY I FIXED THAT PIC ISSUE...Im wondering should I go back and repair the other!!! What do u think KEN75!!!! :o :o :o I also have a huge piece of ash outside which i just split into staves very straight and sooth running grain and NO visible KNOTS!!!! Hoorrraaaaaayyy!!! ;D ;D Anyway If u take the time out to look at the pictures I post u can be a good person and leave feedback!!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 11:50:59 am by VenomBOWslinger »

Offline Pappy

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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 11:49:51 am »
What do you want to know  ??? I treat it just like Hickory as far as the snake,I lay them out just like any other snaky stave.Is that what you want to know,how to lay it out ?
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2009, 11:55:40 am »
this piece is a little odd PAPPY Il be honest all the bows I made I kept it simple and as straight as possible... I love snakey bows and want to build several and add diamondback skin for issue is it seems to be very snakey on one half the other side has slight snakeyness with reflex I dont want to lay out (YES) layout wrong and find later that it will be impossible to lget good string balance!!! Ur input is always welcome PAPPY..thankyou kind SIR!!!

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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2009, 12:04:16 pm »
First thing is get the bark off and lay out your center line following the snake in the grain,it looks like a small stave so I usually start in the center as best I can and follow the grain to the other end.Then
lay out the handle and with of the limbs.If it don't line up you can heat bend IW pretty easy to get the string in line with the handle.You can also bend reflex in the other limb to match the one that has it. How big is the stave and what kind of bow do you want to build out of it ?
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2009, 12:31:04 pm »
PAPPY it's 68'' and approx. 3.5 in diameter I want to make a flatbow so eventually will add snakeskins as far as needing feedback I always assess the situation first and ask of other opinions before I go ahead and start hacking away... I can easily ruin that piece and run out for another...I have at least 20 more waiting for me...again as a member of the board I like to share my work as well as give my thoughts...u guys have been great as far as getting some feedback on particular questions... I had an idea PAPPY if I remove the bark followed the grain to achieve the best results I was thinking of using a chalk line and snapping out a straightline to help aid me in visualizing the layout..thanks PAPPY will keep u posted!!!

Offline DanaM

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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2009, 01:19:59 pm »
If its snaky I wouldn't use a chalk line, you have to follow the grain, in other words let the wood dictate to you
rather than imposing your will on the wood. As Pappy said debark, start in the middle and draw a centerline following the grain,
then lay your limbs out using the centerline, if it don't line up then you use heat to align the tips. Good luck eh
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Offline GregB

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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2009, 02:18:39 pm »
Get rid of the bark like already mentioned, then we often use a roll of string stretched tight along the staves length to help visulize where if you were holding the strings ends where the bow tips would be, would the bowstring cross the handle? Depending on the staves length and your desired bow length you can move those two points back and forth to see where the bow should lay for your best options. You'll need to look at the stave and determine what best style and length bow the stave will allow. The string works well to help make decisions and have a plan of action. There is a very good chance you may have to tweak to limbs to align the string with the handle.  Regardless, you'll need to follow the grain when laying out the bow...that's just a good rule of thumb especially when dealing with snakey staves. Good luck! :)

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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2009, 04:08:03 pm »
Hey thanx for info I will take in what all have been mentioned and keep u updated with pics...

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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2009, 07:09:47 pm »
hey , far as my input im not picky beyond hunting weight , any bow built for me will have character and be different from ones i own already . i just love slinging sticks down range .. and trying to make firewood ..i mean bows !!  i live in a highly populated area for deer and the insurance companies are ready for me to start making meat !!  >:D


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Re: Snakey Hop Horn Beam Question!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2009, 11:25:05 pm »
Highya Ken Im not giving up on the holmegaard yet I wanted to make u that as it is very different from what u got I made a mistake by using that dam monkey glue and it didnt set right should had used something else or I shouldnt have thought about doing that in the beggining and left it a true selfbow!!! Dont u worry my friend this is what makes the saga of waiting for ur bow...maybe I should make the world first popsicle stick bow capable of killing a deer I gaurantee u it would make u famous!!!! Well gettin tired for the night will keep u posted!!!