3 as in 3 bows
these are three bows that i have finished recently.they are the only ones for 2009
been to bust knapping all year,trying to get that figured out.seems i cant not knapp when i get to the work shop.
i usually go in there with the inTent of scraping wood,but in january io decidied to try knapping and now every time i go out there i just gotta knapp.
sometimes i start with a bpw,but always ended up smacking a rock into gravel.
well long story short,it took me since december on the self bow,the other two i have been working on since august.
the selfbow is the prop twisted hick i posted a pic of awhile back.its finished now,sealed with five coats of hand rubbed beeswax ontop of one coat that
was heated and melted into the wood.the other two are hick board bows with camo cotton fabric on the back.one has a paduak handle the oother a zebra wood handle
these two are for a guy that i sold a board bow to earlier in the year,hea wanted another for his wife and one for her dad.
he wanted them long like his,pretty much wanted two more like the one i sold him,just diff draw length/weights.so
sad thing is he wants me to cover the handles with leather,but i will keep the wrap short so i can still see the beautiful wood.
the one with zebra wood is pulling about 30-32# @ 25",the paduak handled one is pulling 48ish# @ 28".
itls a little heavier than he wanted but it just didnt want to drop any more weight after three scraping sessions so i said enough.i thought if it started to loose weight now,it would be a lot real fast and didnt want to come in under what he wanted.
i put about 75 arrows thru each today,like how they both shoot.the paduak handled bow is fast and hits hard.
my bow,the self bow is pulling about 48# @ 28",shoots real nice. at 10 yds(all the room i have to shoot in) i can put 6 out of 8 arrow in the vitals on my block 4x4.
well heres a couple of pics,i will get draw photos later

i also have close ups of the handles on the board bows, too pretty to cover.but hes paying me,so ill do as he wants.
thanks for looking