Author Topic: i here so much about these oasage killing deer ,but were are all the big bucks a  (Read 10880 times)

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Offline mullet

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 It's all been said above, I like meat. If I want horns it's save the pennies up and go to Texas or Alberta with the 300 WinMag just for horns and 300lbs of jerky meat.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline smokeu

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Yea this is my first year bow hunting ever.. so if a legal buck or doe comes within range im gonna launch a homemade rocket!!  And by the way i froze my but off 15ft up a tree Sat morning and didnt see squat.

Longview, TEXAS

Offline Timo

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Well I for one like the meat and the horns! ;D The bigger the horns the better,the sweeter and tender the meat all the better also.I love it, and  do my part every year to fill the freezer,but I also love to match wits with them big ol knarly stinkiing rutty boys.Pick one out and hunt him,and you'll find that you'll get plenty of chances at other deer. When the feeling hits me to shoot one, then I'll be the first to dump the string on a lil nursery babe! ;)


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I like to hunt trophy K&F whitetails.-- In fact I'm a charter member of the Knife and Fork Club  with several book animals- recipe book that is.

Offline Hillbilly

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It's easier to pick a spot when it has a bunch of spots growing all over it...;D ;D
Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.

Offline recurve shooter

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when a doe and a yearling came out when i was younger i was told to kill the yearling. (not a spotted fawn hillbilly ::), grandpa would throw a skillet at me if i shot one,but a younger deer) they are tenderer.

but back then my dad hunted to and the freezer was always full within the first month of rifle season. now its a little harder.
lets just shoot it

Offline possum

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I like meat, but I also like the big antlers too.  I'm still waiting for my big one to come by.  Nothing wrong with wanting big antlers.  Sure, young ones eat better but the big ones usually produce more meat.  Granted I haven't got one yet this year so it's a "if it's brown, it's down,"  right now.  Big antlers make big knife handles too. :)

"To ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." George Washington

mebane NC

Offline recurve shooter

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Big antlers make big knife handles too. :)

this is true.  ;D
lets just shoot it

Offline Hillbilly

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And good flintknapping billets. :)
Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.

Offline recurve shooter

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And good flintknapping billets. :)

also true. i helped a friend that didnt have a truck move yesterday, in return they gave me a little gass money and a little six point rack that they found at the new house. now i gotta make me some new tools.  ;D
lets just shoot it

Offline Kegan

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There's jsut aren't any trophies around where I hunt. Just does. We had one buck- no one got him (and I even missed him with my father's rifle) but he finally met his end on the side of the road. Just not in the cards. Heck, trying to get one of the few does that are around once in a while is hard enough for me!

But I'm with Eddie. If I wanted a trophy I'd go elsehwere and get a REAl TROPHY! I'd prefer fangs instead of antlers though- or tusks! Big tusks brought low by a huge honkin' arrow... >:D

Offline PeteC

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Here's a pretty good one from last season.. God Bless

[attachment deleted by admin]
What you believe determines how you behave., Pete Clayton, Whitehouse ,Texas

Offline hawkbow

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That is one heck of a buck Pete.. a real warrior buck.. great job brother... Hawk

Mike "Hawk" Huston

Offline billy

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honestly I really don't care to shoot bucks.  Everyone it seems is after them, and I'd rather just leave them alone.  But when a big fat doe walks within range, I get DOE FEVER!!!  Yeah, try keeping your nerves under control when a big slickhead shows up at 15 yards.  I've had opportunities at bucks, but didn't shoot.  Plus, there are usually far too many does anyway, so I'm gunning for them.  Also, when you hunt with a primitive bow you just can't afford to be choosy, unless you live in a very good area or you have a jammin place to hunt with lots of deer and no hunting pressure.  Most of us don't have that opportunity.  I take advantage of any opportunity, and I don't think twice about dropping the string on a doe.  Except for the bucks.....they are perfectly safe around me   :)   :) :)   :)
Marietta, Georgia

Offline n2everythg

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good friend of mine took this one just last night:
East Coast of Nowhere