adam, what do you think about doing a buildalong for a trilam like that? Your holmegaard buildalong has helped lots of us learn the style and technique for making that kind of bow. I'm not gonna be stuck with hand tools in my apartment forever! I'd love to see you teach us how to make a bow like your big friend is shooting just there.
Also, point of interest, i'm going to the UK soon, and i think i'll pop in on Pip Bickerstaffe. You say you found him to be pretty amiable? I'd love to even help out around his shop for a few days.
Also, point of bigger interest, i met a guy the other day who said, "Are you the longbow maker?" Looks like i'm getting a reputation. I said, "Sure am, you wanna buy one?" He said, "I've got a pile of yew logs that have been seasoned for 3 or 4 can come and take your pick."
Pretty soon, I'm gonna have 6 or 8 logs 6 feet long, 10 inches many staves is that?
