Yeah, it really is amazing (though not in a good way) how most people believe it's impossible to have something good unless it is boughten. And that goes with anything, not just primitive archery.
I've been in similar situations to what you're describing, and even been put down because of my "stick". Well, guess what - 4 things I won't apologize or say "excuse me" for: My God, my family, my country, and my "sticks". So I found a way to usually put and end to the critics little hayride when they start traying to put down my gear by comparing to their "Matthews 300fps Super-Cam". I was at work one day and a guy who hunts deer a lot was trying to compare. He said,
What kind of pounds does it shoot? I said about 60. He said, "How long can you hold it back?" I said, only a few seconds if I want to shoot straight. He shook his head and said "I'm shootin 80lbs, and I can hold mine for quite a while, got 85% let-off, no problem at all."
"What kind of FPS you get with that? 200, 250?" I said, nope, about 130. He shook his head and said "I get about 300 with mine."
"How far a shot can you take with it? 30, 35 yards?" I said nope, I wouldn't take more than about 20 with it. He shook his head and said "I can shoot out to 50 with mine, no problem. Just set my sight and I'm ready to go."
I could see where this was going and that he was only trying to put down my equipment, so I decided to throw up a question that he couldn't even HOPE to compete with. 3 words - YOU MAKE YOURS? He looked at me funny and said "No, I bought it for $1100."
So I just laughed and shook my head. That ended that conversation.