looks great, man...where you from, anyway?
IM from Romania....and i have to say that it is verry dificult sometimes to find good materials, for bows....but wi are verry passionate, and wi dont give up so easey

....I have to say that i shoot the bow today...it is realy fast....and i have tried some flight shooting today with him....and i shoot 3 arrows... and the distance wass...170yards first arrow, 180 yards second arrow, and the third arrow, i could not find it ...it wass a fence at 200 yards ...and the arrow come down right into that fence....and i could not find it no moore....so the distance for the third arrow wass arrounde 200 yards....i dont know iff its ok or not, but the bow is pretty fast...i wish i could have a crono to measure the speed....i will buy one verry soon and thenn i will be able to tell u the speed of this bow....im realy haapy u like my bow...thk. u all for your replays...