Thanks for the response!
It's intersting and educational.
I allready tempered the bottom limb exclusive in the midlimb area to make it stiffer. It gave some effect. I've done that before just temper one limb in a specific area.
I tempered both limbs twice earlier in the tiller process.
The bow weighs 17,8 ounce, according to the Steve Gardner Mass principle in TBB4 it should weigh 17,5 ounce (if i did the calculation right). I'm happy with that!
I checked some of my earlier bows and they are about 5 ounce or more to heavy for the Mas principle..
This two pictures are best for comparing the limbs I think (lots of pics..). I tilted one to fit better with ellipse.
It's probably better to flip the bow, because you should have the more reflexed limb as upper.
I'm not gonna do that though, since the centershoot etc. And they look pretty close in strength.
Pics: first normal, second flipped
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