From what I gather, bowhunting was banned because it is an inhumane way to kill an animal (to be honest). There were many problems with people shooting an animal, it ran then off with an arrow in it and they couldn't find it to finish it off so they left it wounded to die slowly, or when they did catch up to it they weren't able to bring themselves to kill the animal, and so left it. Another issue being poaching; the bow and arrow is silent compared to gunshot, people could easily sneak around and hunt without being detected.
Though, I still think it should be allowed. Instead of removing the whole activity, it should be properly organised and administrated; training, tests and licences should be required in order to bow hunt, and, if you ask me; if you're good enough to hit the damn thing, you've got every right to hunt it. The bow and arrow, if anything, is the weapon that brought this country to glory and where it is now, its part of our heritage... How can we ban it,
we of all people when most of europe may still hunt with a bow

It makes my blood boil

...even the
French can bow hunt! *Cough* Crécy *cough* Agincourt *Cough*