Oh, hey, der, now that's one I have'nt heard of now. So how about explainin what it is, fer a pretend yooper hey? I can't stop in fer a beer and brat, if I don't speak the lingo ya know.

They jes might figure it out dat I ain't from around der ya know.

No tellin what dey would do.

I could be wearin da swampers, and kromer, an all but den dey bring up dat word, and I would have to start munchin a twitx or sumpin till I could figure out how to get out o der wit out arousing suspishun ya know. An oh hey, what if dey were to find out dat I wasn't even a troll ya know? Whew dat's not sumpin I want to evision.

So how about , ya gonna explain jus what dat is now? Oh hey, while we are at it ya know, just how is Pastie pronounced? "Pay stie" or Pah stie ? So is pay stie, like the little cover ups on dem dancers, down der at da bar, or is pah stie, like a noo yorker would call dem little cover ups, on dem girls at da bar?

DAt way der won't be no slip up, unless have too many beers, to wash dem brats, and pasties down, ya know. Ok, I am waitin, hey.