First of all, welcome to PA Jason, and to the wonderful world of archery!

I commend you on your first bow and your attitude towards learning to tiller properly first!
Your limbs are bending nicely and overall you did an excellent job on your first bow. You will fit right in around here.

Only criticism I have is your handle area is larger than it need to be, even with a cut out shelf. When I lay out a handle I mark the center of the bow and go up 2" and down 2" for the actual 4" handle(some go up 1 1/4" and down 3 3/4") and add 1 1/2" to 2" for the fade into the limbs. This will get you more working limb and thus a more durable bow. The way you built yours won't hurt anything but I prefer a smoother transition from handle to limb.
Your choice of woods was a good idea too. The white oak should make a good backing for red oak.