Author Topic: antler tools for knapping?  (Read 3301 times)

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antler tools for knapping?
« on: October 07, 2009, 09:59:01 am »
hi guys. im learning to knap and broke my favorite copper pressure flaker. picked up a six point rack yesterday for helping a frind move.

my question is: how do i make the pressure flakers and boppers (billets?) out of the antler? i know that i use the tines for the flakers, but do i sharpen the ends? do i round the end of the bopper? etc?  ???

thanks for the help fellas.  ;D
lets just shoot it

Offline StevenT

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Re: antler tools for knapping?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2009, 10:10:10 am »
If it were me, I would keep the larger ends for knifes.  As a suggestion on the tines, really nice tines can also be used for knife handles. But sounds like you may have plenty for flakers also. I am sure others will have more suggestions, but I would cut them about 6 inches or so for a good flaker. I have seen some wrapped with leather for a better handle. They do get dull and I have a small file to shape the point. You can use a sanding stone, but file works better for me. I have also seen them filed flat and narrow to make a notching tool and files to use a a punch. When I was making and gathering various tools, I am pretty sure I saw a good post on making tools and it showed pictures of a bunch of different tines. I will look to see if I can find the post. And I am sure some of the guys that have a lot more experience will offer suggestions.

Offline aaron

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Re: antler tools for knapping?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2009, 12:57:32 pm »
for the antler bopper, most people round it to a dome and cut off the (don't know what you call it... the bumpy stuff at the base of the antler.) i leave mine a little square- cos they'll last longer ( more material there). also, if they're not cut off the skull, cut em as close to the skull as possible to get the most material and weightiest parts. with an elk rack- i leave the brow tine on and hold that like a hammer handle.....
not too sharp on the pressure flaker- mine are not much sharper than my pinky- otherwise they chip easily. i switch to a bone tipped ishi stick which is as sharp as a dull pencil for finish work.
Ilwaco, Washington, USA
"Good wood makes great bows, but bad wood makes great bowyers"

Offline StevenT

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Re: antler tools for knapping?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 04:08:26 pm »
I don't know how to link one post to another post, but if you look in Flintknapping page three, look for my post called Antler tipped Ishi Stick. There is a discussion and pictures of antler tips being used in Ishi sticks like what Aaron is talking about. Besides the other pictures, you will see the one I made with a copper point on one end and antler on the other.

Offline billy

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Re: antler tools for knapping?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2009, 06:41:55 pm »
I cut the tines off and use them for pressure need to sharpen them.  You don't want them needle sharp anyway...they tend to break and wear down faster. I use a sander to round off the portion of the main beam nearest where it attached to the skull, and that's what I use for billets.   
Marietta, Georgia

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Re: antler tools for knapping?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2009, 09:24:03 am »
cool. thanks guys. will do.  ;D
lets just shoot it