ok before i tell ya what i did, i gotta tell ya the whole story.
i started knapping about 2 years ago, worked at it for about a month, stalled out, and quit. then i got some great rock from Tom in a trade, and my fire has been re-kindled. and this time around i have a better understanding of what im supposed to be doing.
i was working on some of the small flakes he sent me, you know, just trying to get re-aquainted with my tools and such. right now im really not looking to make points, just good flakes. so my pieces are gonna be pretty rough for a little while. but from what ive heard, if you go for good flakes, the points will come.
anyhow, i was working down a little piece of obsidian using the bopper, and my small ishi stick. early on i had some pretty bad step fractures, mostly from striking too flat into the piece i think. well these were starting to build up into a mass of junk right in the middle of the piece. i was starting to get frusterated, so i put it down for a while, and picked up a small flint flake to pressure knapp on. after a bit i went back to the obsidian, and it dawned on me. i can get all that crap off in one flake if i make a platform here and hit it right....there...whack! and wouldnt you know it, the flake took it off and feathered out right where i thought it would! i couldnt believe it!
this is the first time i planned a flake, and actually had it work out for me! ive put the piece asside and will take pics of it later, but i just had to let ya know what happened. im syked!
edit: here are the pics