Finishing up a couple more.

Some of the food plots are up already and the Acorn crop is pretty good this year ,so it should be a good year.Got about 1/14 stands up so far and like just a few more.
The core is always good but will be cut most likely before the season opens.They will stay in it all winter so I prefer it over beans as far as farm crops go.I used winter oats,Australian winter pees,Rape and greens in most of my plots and the deer really seem to love the mix.I also sow winter oats right in the corners of the corn and when they cut it and the trash and combine puts it in the ground it comes up great and don't even need any fertilizer.

Good luck guys and shoot straight.
Hope yall kill the big one,I am mainly after meat,I won't shoot anything less that 20-25 inches.That back strap length I am talking about.

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