This tri-lam was made from a 5/16 bulletwood (Massaranduba) core provided to me by Matt Simpson (Huntersim), boo strip, and a 1/8 strip of ipe. I pretapered the bulletwood, glued to boo in form, tillered, added belly ipe strip, etc. It is 63# ntn, 50# at 28", 1 1/8 inch wide at fades. Has a foot long 1/8 piece of goncalo alves in center as power lam, and handle built of thin gonacalo and ipe stips. Bocote tip overlays in tribute to David Knight. Hemp grip wrap and deco limb wraps. Drawn by my son. TB3 glue used on all glue-ups. Tru-oil finish. I should have got it down lighter in draw weight before putting the ipe strip on the belly, cause I had to take a lot of ipe off - ended up a little lighter than the goal of 58-60, but the lad pulls around 50 so it will be good for him. Great shooting bow.
Alreay have another one onderway, thins time a 4-lam with 1/8 stirps of BL and ipe scraps as core to get ipe belly.
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