Alright! Somebody besides me in Ky. with an interest in primitive bows. It was a lonely place for awhile.

I shot this bow in over the weekend making a few tweaks to the tiller, ran about 50 arras thru it. I didn't notice anything at the time but I didn't have the finish on it.
I'll take your advice and string it up and check the surface area around the marks. I will shoot it a few more sessions before I put anymore work into it. I agree, my first bow developed a bad case of chrysals that spider webbed the entire limb, they ran diagonal to the grain, too. But I still a lot of use out of it, just not the most desireable situation with the amount of time spent on this one.
If your ever this way, I'd love to see your work or share ideas. Bows parked in every corner here.

Thanks for the respone! Greg