My box is very similar to this. I have a rheostat in mine with a meat thermometer about a third way up from the bottom at one end. 3-150 watt bulbs will give me about 200deg. at full power. For drying slats, I turn out 2 of 'em and run one at about half power for 90-100deg.
I don't think I have a fire hazard as I sealed the joints with foil duct tape (much stronger than reg. duct tape and won't melt - don't ask!

) The wood case stays absolutely cool to the touch , just slightly warm directly over the light sockets where I couldn't put any insulation. They can bury me in this thing!

Nearly half a bottle of wood glue and a couple pounds of sheetrock screws!!!
BTW, really nice form! I gotta check my books for that one!