First of all thank you Kenneth and Mike for the wonderful piece of Osage. I got it at a discount because of a 6 inch crack in one of the limbs. I filled it with super glue two or three times and it hasn't been a problem.
I named her "Walkin Stick" because I was at the Howard Hill Classic (where I purchased the stave) And was standing in line at one of the vendor's booths. The owner of the booths wife told me she liked my walking stick., I guess she thought it was a walking stick from the way I was holding it and cause i was kinda holding it with one of the ends resting on my shoe and leaning on it The vendor vehemently told her to shush cause it was a bow and not a walking stick and she seemed to get a little flustered and kept apologizing to me for it. I told her it was fine cause if it isn't bending yet you really can't call it a bow so she was actually closer to the truth than her husband was. So the name stuck.
This bow was a bunch of firsts for me...
This is my first bow not from a board.
This is my first attempt at a character stave.
This is my first attempt at nock overlays.
This was my first attempt at a leather handle wrap. Usually I use laces or twine or just leave it bare.
This stave was also very lumpy and twisted and the tips were off causing the string to track down one side of the handle. It took me like 4 or 5 heat bending sessions to get it as close as I did. I still didn't remove all the propeller from the bottom limb and decided to live with it instead.
well here she is 55lbs at 28inches 67inches NtN
This bow shoots pretty fast and hard and only has like a 1/4inch of stringfollow when unbraced.
I left the bottom limb a little stiff midlimb around the crack so it makes the tiller look a little funny.
The paint job was all done freehand with a pencil then Sharpies and then covered with 6 coats of tru-oil.
I think I did pretty good considering all the firsts this one was for me. Thanks for looking!