Author Topic: Squirrel Hunt Success  (Read 9579 times)

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Offline Hillbilly

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Re: Squirrel Hunt Success
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2009, 07:50:49 pm »
Hell with google, I can look at the scars on people that I know and the obituary column in the paper to find all I need to know about pits. And I completely disagree about the pitbull attacks not being "real" pit bulls. I know of several people in this area that have been maimed and KILLED by pits, and I guess if they've got papers they should be "real." Their teeth are sure real enough. I have a good friend who spent months in the hospital and almost died from a "real" pit attack, with the owner trying to drag it off him while it was tearing him apart. There isn't hardly a week goes by here without a news report about somebody, especially kids, being killed or disfigured by one of them. I don't understand why people insist on defending the things and claiming that they aren't vicious. Bull crap. They're bred to kill and that's what they'll do sooner or later. One of my best friends thought that he wanted a pit and he wound up having to shoot it to protect his kids when it went beserk for no reason. It was a "real" one, too. I've been bit by one myself and was lucky enough to get it stomped down before it did major damage.  These are unprovoked attacks I'm talking about, too. I really, really love dogs, but I hate a pit bull. Any one who thinks that theirs is lovable and different from the rest of them is deluding themselves and someone will pay the price sooner or later. I've had a lot of people get mad at me for saying that, but I don't really care-I believe what I see more than what somebody says. I'd gladly kill every one of them if I could.
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Offline kylerprochaska

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Re: Squirrel Hunt Success
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2009, 08:27:09 pm »
Once again, they are true to their specific owner's and yes they can be vicious...but if properly trained they can be really good pets....and yes there are a lot of dog attacks that are pits....but there are even more dog attacks that happen that don't get publicized because they are not committed by pits (this is because the media has given the pit bull or any dog that looks like a pit bull a bad name over the years and people are "scared" of them) oh and yes even though pits were initially bred for killing (i.e. bull baiting, dog fighting, protection) in the 1930's and 1940's they were widely used as farm dogs to watch the wife and kids when dad was out working in the fields all day, another example is the original and remake of the little rascalls, that dog...was a pitbull and never showed signs of attack.  They really are the "all american dog"....I do however believe that they do need special training and special attention when around stranger's... But going back to a lot of the attacks that are blamed on pitbulls, a lot of them can first be put into the category of pet owner's who aren't responsible enough to keep track of their dogs... Being a responsible pet owner is knowing where your dog is...(mine is not outside unless me or my family is out with it, or its in the house or on a chain)....


Offline kylerprochaska

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Re: Squirrel Hunt Success
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2009, 08:34:42 pm »
One thing to think of is... bring a kid up in a bad house with no rules....that kid is gonna end up in prison or worse, bring a kid up right, with rules and you're probably going to end up with one hell of a son...its the same way with dogs, you can bring any dog up to be a soldier and you can bring any dog up to be a teddy bear...


Offline nugget

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Re: Squirrel Hunt Success
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2009, 08:38:53 pm »
Good point Kylerprochaska
Nice job on the squirrels Chris, and as far as the breed of the dog, no comment. Trying to stay on track of the thread.
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Offline kylerprochaska

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Re: Squirrel Hunt Success
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2009, 08:50:56 pm »
Sorry about getting of topic...I just get defensive about that subject...but Im going squirrel hunting tomorrow for the first time with a bow...Wish me luck!


Offline Little John

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Re: Squirrel Hunt Success
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2009, 10:43:07 am »
Good shooting Chris, I know I would be hard pressed to hunt squirrels with a bow and would be out of arrows in short order. Well there is plenty of season left so you can get more.     Kenneth
May all of your moments afield with bow in hand please and satisfy you.            G. Fred Asbell

Offline J05H

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Re: Squirrel Hunt Success
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2009, 02:55:22 am »
I took a shot at a squirrel the other day. I missed him, but only just. I swear I parted the hair on his back. It wasn't worth it though 'cause I lost my arrow.
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