there aint nuthin to makeing arrows! just go find a strait stick, tie on some feathers and a sharp rock on the other end and there you have it!
ok that is probably the biggest lie on the internet right now. arrows are EXTREAMLY difficult to make propperly, and everyone has different little tricks and meathods. there is far to much knowledge about it to be given in one sitting, but i'll tell ya what i know:
the first thing you gunna have to do is find some local shaft material. i dont know what grows up there, but privvet, sour wood, dogwood, and pretty much any kind of cane or bamboo will make an arrow.
once you get your shafts, go hide them and forget about them for about 2 months to a year, everyone tells me different drying times.
once they are dry, you have to heat straighten them, meaning that you have to heat up every little crook in the shaft untill it is kind of spongy, then bend it strait without breaking it, let it cool, then move on to the next crook.
once you get to that point, throw up another post and we'll try to help ya. good luck!