I don't particularly like to make bows for others, I put a lot of pressure on myself and get a bit stressed

but ken made me a trade offer that was really hard not to consider.
...so I made him this little ELB, i had a bear of a time starting to get it to bend, the bow was so small allready that i was afraid not to make weight but in the same time it would not buldge, I did spend a lot of time just shaping and tapering, by the time i got a string on it it was basically tillered, i just had to shoot it in an did some minor 220 grit adjustments to get the positive at 1/8".
The bow is 60 # @ 24", 62" ntn, 1 1/16" at the widest point, assymetrical limbs, just unbraced is dead strait and reflexes to allmost an inch in a short time.
I'm real happy how it turned out ( I don't know how much more you can ask of a bowwood with this kind of dimentions ) it was shooting 800gr arrows real good, this will be a nice hunting bow.
Ken wanted to finish it and put the grip on himself, so here are some pictures of how I'm sending it out