Author Topic: Ishi Stick  (Read 2423 times)

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Offline Staver

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Ishi Stick
« on: August 17, 2009, 09:16:40 am »
I got me some nylon/plastic to make an Ishi stick; Thanks for the hot tip wolfwatcher 8)!  I need to drill out the middle of the stick then drill 2 holes for set screws.  Can I just use 2 small set screws without collars?  What size set screws work best?

Thanks - Joe H

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Re: Ishi Stick
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 11:16:27 am »
Joe:  Am just learning how to post pictures on the PA site and have one to show you what I do to make Ishi sticks and hand flakers.  So when I figure out how to put the pictures on the computer from the picture disc, I will post it  You need some set screws with a allen wrench that fits.  There are many sizes and you can get them at True Value or Lowes, etc.  Greg B. sent me detailed instructions on posting, but I still have to figure out how to put them in a folder from the chip!  Billy will probably want to thump me in the butt for using plastic as it is truly not primitive, but I started out that way 40 some years ago and now I just want to be able to make some blades anyway I can!!!  By the way Billy's story in the last issue of PA and especially the last paragraph is a perfect statement!!  Pokie
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Offline Staver

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Re: Ishi Stick
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2009, 11:24:05 pm »
Thanks Pokie!  I've been learning how to flintknap over the last couple years and I've been using antler and hammerstones.  I was watching a documentary on Ishi and I was inspired to try knapping some glass.  I'd like to see if I can replicate an Ishi point.  Then I figured heck, I might as well do it the way Ishi did it and use an Ishi stick and a copper nail!! 

I noticed your post on getting the plastic/nylon for making your own ishi stick and I'm real thankful for that... cheap!  Next stop... Lowes.

Man... I'd nearly give away my soul to witness the wilderness when it was truly wild!

Thanks again Wolf Watcher 8)     Joe H