Howdy Guys, I like ERC and related junipers. I don't think I've made quite as many as BCBULL can claim, but I have made a few. ERC can make a great self bow, with no ring chasing, it the stave is relatively clean and free of large knots. Thinning the sapwood to get more haertwood in the bow, or to remove wormholes etc works, too. But it then needs a backing. You can't beat sinew on junipers. Even a thin layer starts producing some reflex and the reflex mostly holds through to shooting. I haven't tried rawhide, but don't see why it wouldn't work. If you flatten the back, or start with a board stavehickory and bamboo both work well. Bamboo contrasts well, but can be too strong. If you use bamboo on ERC thin the bambbo as much as you can and then consider trapping the backing as well. I just finished an ERC board bow using the last method and have a nice 65# @ 28" bow.