Hophornbeam is pretty hard wood and you probably would be surprised just how hard it is,thats why they call it Iron wood. It is noted ; to twist and sparks fly out of it when you split the staves . It might be wise to score it before you split it, It might be twisted inside. hard to believe ,but I have cut straight trees down and when you split them they twist. However they make a great bow. I have backed them with bamboo and made selfbows ,all seem to have character tho. Pretty wood, it has a rouge appearance, when seasoned, looks like black cherry also. good luck at least you will have fun splitting them. Denny
i would NOT recomend "scoring or kerfing" the wood,if you do before you split it
it wont follow the longitudinal grain and there will be runoffs
yes hhb likes to twist when split,more so when green
i have had decent luck when letting it dry for several months,then halve the logs,leave sit to dry some more then split each half into half
when i do it this way i usually end up with minimal twist
the twisting comes from the interlocking grain of this type of wood
even straight logs will twist due to the interlocking grain
denny: not trying to rag on ya,but if you add boo it is no longer a selfbow,it is a backed bow