Kyle's been using flint-and-steel for quite a while, but figured he'd give friction fires a shot for "just in case" situations. So he set out today, it being too rainy to work on the truck, and set to getting the bow drill going!
He used aspen for the drill and board, paracord for the string, a piece of sandstone I had bored out and used when I had learned how to do the bow drill, and a piece of what we believe to be a barberry cousin. He also used deer fat to grease the socket and help get his coal.
He's gotten a coal with the thong drill and bow drill before, but never having made his own kits and what not before. He did it all- from start to finish- on his own

. He let me have a go, and I forgot how much coordination it took to keep that bow level. I alos got a little antsy, as I'm used to having a coal before then with the handdrill, so I had a little trouble. He just laughed at me

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