Thanks for the reply Mrs. Hillbilly:
Are you keeping Mr. Hillbilly and Hillbilly Jr. in line over there? We cant have the likes of them running loose.

When this all started my only plan was to make a leather quiver and cover part of the outside of it with bark so it looked cool.
We will call that plan # 1.
Well there was much more bark on the tree than I needed for plan # 1. I now have 4- bark tubes which were removed from the trunk of the tree. One will be used for plan # 1.
The other three will most likely be made in to " all bark" quivers. We will call this plan # 2.
I knew that cordage could be made from poplar bark but had no idea how to do that. Figuring this out is now plan # 3.
I have cut several Dogbain stalks and may use them as well. I know how to make Dogbain sting. Plan # 4 I guess.
Ansister you know how hard it can be to make a plan work out.
