Eddie ,Naw it was sticking out of the tube when I got it I think the Enviromental change made the Overlay expand and contract so the hook part of the over lay snapped off.
I did a complete overhaul and got it at what, 52@26 59NTN or 58@28 I piked it 2 inches on each end,put some elk skin for groove silencers, Horn layered Overlays Lowered the Arrow rest to 1.25 from center Put a Elk skin Grip on added A leather disc around the Compass and made a couple string for it. I also shot it about 50 times, let it set braced for a few hours to see if the Horn overlays would Pop,Killer Bow I'm tellin ya.
Not sure what the spine on the Arrows I used but at 10 yards there was no whatya callit, up-down pitching, withing 5" of center. I also re-colored the back put a couple coats of True oil on it.
Sorry about Changing it But I just couldn't resist( Artist in Me). Tiller is still good, I just don't have my camera anymore to show that, I used my scanner to get these pics. Thanks Eddie, its a real fast screamer.Now I just hope I don't rip The Cartilage.
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