ya i figured you probably didnt know about the cancer thing with deet
you can get them at most sporting good stores for under $20,have seen them for as little as $14.99
i wont hunt without my thermacell,odor free keeps the skeeters at bay,and they have new scent pads you can use
during deer season.from what i have read they have doe in estrus and other scents too.
so i am giving them a try this year,still think its gonna be hard to beat my old way off scenting
i keep a couple of acorn scent wafers in my blind bag,along with one doe in estrus wafer
usually by fall it stinks so bad like acorns and does,the bucks are tripping over themselves to get to me

not that i have ever really been that much of a deer hunter,my youngest got me into it about 5 years ago.