Main Discussion Area > HowTo's and Build-a-longs
First Osage character bow build along
I would touch up the left limb about 6-8" from tip and then more on to short string........bob--looks good !
Ah .........I forgot to say touch limb up CAREFULLY !!!!!!.................bob
Im still learnin, but it looks more to me like a natural hook in the limb, not a tillering problem??? Can someone shed some light on this for me? I cant help but think about reflexin the other limb to match. Would be a cool side
Sean, I would get the right limb bending a little more at the fade, just before what looks like a knot on the side of the limb. That area may take on major set if it doesn't start working.
I am not a great builder but some of you guys help watch that area for him right at that knot looks like to me if he has a bad problem it will be right there looks hingee to me
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