Main Discussion Area > HowTo's and Build-a-longs
First Osage character bow build along
cowboy, I'm north in Flower Mound.
As I said, it's bending, but I need a stronger string for tillering (I need Dacron). So it will be held up for a little while. Sorry.
Sean,If you need some string send me a PM.I've got a few rolls of B-50 and fast flight.Also if you have a Wally mart.they have Spider wire in the fishing section.It's darn near the same as fast flight.
Also tackle shops sell 50 lb. fishing dacron by shakesphere......... its a true 50 lb--use it for a long string....bob
Or a piece of cheap Walmart clothes line is all I use for a tillering string.
All right, I decided to do what Marc does and use a steel cable. So, I got started on tillering today, it's bending a little more now.
Any suggestions?
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