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First Osage character bow build along

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I showed this stave earlier, It was just roughed out, no more work to it at that point. Micky Lotz gave this peice to me at Mojam last year, and I wanted to give Hedge a try, so I started to get at it, but I lost determination because of all the mistakes I made, I didn't know what I was doing. I treated it like a board, bad idea. But when I first showed it, someone told me, "It doesn't take much osage to build a bow." I'm counting on that a lot.
Here is is how it was roughed out.

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I'll continue this tomorrow

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Hey 1/2primitive, looks "not to bad" to me. Should make a fine looking bow when done. Where are you located? Your stats. are not filled in with that info. Maybe there is someone near you to advise you. Us Osage novices need all the help we can get.

Dick Bernier

Yes, this is going to be helpful - I have several sage quarter logs with some character and am just starting to get the jest of how to begin, for instance leaving a little wood around those knots on the edge. Don't have a band saw yet, been using a table saw to take off big meat and wind up ripping straight through everything - ^&$%#%*1!!!

George Tsoukalas:
You should have a great time. Looks like plenty of wood there. Osage is my favorite.Jawge


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