Pat B and radius, thanks so much for you suggestions. This limb has another issue that I didn't meantion. It has a woop-de-do in the same limb that has the bend. Being a beginning bow builder (this will be my 3rd bow), I'm not sure I'm skilled enough in tillering to address a bend and a woop-de-do. This bow will be kind challenging enough since it's only 55". So, I would prefer to work with as straight a piece of wood as possible. Please, don't think I"m poo-pooing your advice. If I didn't already have the steamer set up and the bow in it, I'm sure I'd give straightening it during the tillering process the ol' college try.
Now if there's a reason other than the added work involved with steaming and clapping, like maybe it will potential destroy the wood, then please let me know. I'll pull it out immediately.