That tiller looks gret Matt.
Dane, I really enjoyed the posts on weaving. Just seeing that loom made me remember my summer working in the weaving room at Callaway Mills here in JawJa. We had 4 rows of 6 of the large industrial models of looms. My job was dolpher. That meant I went down the row with a full cart of thread bobbin's on one side of me and a cart of empty bobin spindles on the other side. I took the empties off with one hand and put full bobbins on with the other. LOL's...thats was a loooong summer.
and those shuttles could get dangerous sometimes and fly off too.
Thanks Dane.
Thanks for the kind words, JPitt. Sorry, I've been so busy with work, I have had almost zero time for the board, or for anything else lately.
Those industrial looms are facinating beasts. They have a museum in Lowell, the Boot (sp?) mill, a preserved 19th century mill that is a National Park now, and when they crank up all 20 or so looms, it is almost deafeing, and the room shakes.
I finished card weaving a border, and so just have to get to sewing the sock together, then starting the Southern boy's sock. They saved the tater sack, thankfully.