Author Topic: obsidian head an texas preforms  (Read 3517 times)

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Offline Outbackbob48

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obsidian head an texas preforms
« on: July 25, 2009, 08:12:35 pm »
Heres an obsidian point an some preforms I finshed last week, the blade needs to be thinned some more an the rootbeer took one thinning flake to many, It was 2" wide an 31/2" long an 1/4" thick when I snapped trying to hit from base, I have broke more points from stiking at the base. Must not get the proper support. Thanks for looking Later Bob

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Offline Timo

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Re: obsidian head an texas preforms
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2009, 11:29:12 pm »
Looking good! ;)

Sleep Junkie

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Re: obsidian head an texas preforms
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2009, 11:32:54 pm »
Nice obsidian point.  I like it.  How long did you practice knapping before you were able to reliably able to produce points like that one? 

Offline Outbackbob48

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Re: obsidian head an texas preforms
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2009, 07:55:22 am »
Sleep Junkie, I started knapping 3yrs ago in May so a little over 3yrs. In the winter I don,t get to knap as much as I would like, I try an  sit outside on the nicer days but I still get rusty over the winter. It takes a while to figure things out an I,m still a rookie but learning something about rock all the time. If your just starting try an get to knapins lots of nice experienced help an tons of rock to choose from vendors. Good Luck Bob   Hey sleep Junkie just went to your profile as curious to where you are from an It said East Waterford, Well I,m from Waterford Pa, just south of Erie an its so small we don,t have a east and west. Not sure exactly where East Waterford is. Later Bob
« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 08:15:56 am by Outbackbob48 »

Sleep Junkie

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Re: obsidian head an texas preforms
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2009, 03:59:33 pm »
Hehe, when I first saw Waterford on your profile, I thought that maybe that I got lucky and there was someone living close by that I could bug for hands on advice, but I knew it was to good to be true!  Your Waterford is quite a distance from mine.  According to map quest, you are about four hours away from me.  East Waterford happens to be in Juniata County.  It's almost exactly one hour west of Harrisburg.  When I was younger, I hated living out here but now I wouldn't trade it for anything.  It is just so isolated.  I wish we had more natural deposits of chert around here though.  I have been looking and looking but I am having horrible luck finding any.  The thing that is the most frustrating is that I know there are plenty of limestone quarries around here, and people have told me that if we have limestone we should have chert.  I just have not been able to locate it and at present money is tight, so I have to settle with what I can get my hands on so I am going to practice on thunderchert and some glass.  I have two complete toilets that I got from the dump and a television screen from my 32 inch television that just went out not long ago.  I figure I should be good with that for now.  If I run out, I have an aunt who works at an auction barn and I think she can get me a lot of glass and maybe porcelain for free.  She said that a good bit of the time, the stuff that doesn't sell goes in a dumpster.  She told me that if I were to come over, they would probably give me all the glass dishes and stuff.  Maybe I can get my hands on some nice thick stuff. 

Offline billy

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Re: obsidian head an texas preforms
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2009, 05:54:38 am »
HEy bob,

Most of the time, hitting points on the base should be avoided.  I used to break a lot of points that way, and although it is a good way to thin the base, if you don't do it just right you run a high risk of snapping the point in two.

Sometimes what you can do is hit on the basal corners, and aim your flake to travel toward the other edge instead of hitting the point in the center of the base with the flake traveling straight for the tip.  That reduces breakage considerably.  Hope that helps.   
Marietta, Georgia

Offline Jaeger

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Re: obsidian head an texas preforms
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2009, 11:13:46 am »
That Texas blade is going to be a real nice skinner once  you finish thinning it and haft it! there is one to take his life and one to part him out .

Offline Outbackbob48

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Re: obsidian head an texas preforms
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2009, 10:14:36 pm »
Billy , thanks for the tip, my basal corners always seemed a little thick an now I no why . I never tryed to thin them from the sides, seemed to work up close to them from sides an rear an seemed to be thick right where I needed to notch, Thanks again.  Bob

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Re: obsidian head an texas preforms
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2009, 02:17:43 am »

lol. really nice work. keep it up. ;D
lets just shoot it