Just finished this one out. Its been in the works for a while. Orignially I intended to make it longer, being only 1 3/4" wide, but piked it for weight. This is the first bow I finished out for my new 29" draw.
It's tempered white oak, with a nice sinew back (thanks Phillip

). 65" overall, 1 3/4" wide (bit too narrow all things taken in consideration). About 85# at 29", it has under 2" of string follow after a hard shooting session, but returns to straight after a little while. It started with 1" pulled in reflex, and pulled in 1" more. I wrapped the limbs with serving material for camo, as the finely shredded sinew Phillip sent me was simply too nice to cover with cloth or skins

. The handle has an overlay of ash because the stave had been rather thin. Dished grip. I've been putting small leather shelves on my bows as of late. This bow shoots veyr hard and very straight. There is an absencse of handshock and over all, I'm pleased as punch with how this thing turned out

I sped the sinew up for this bow, but even though it helps hold it together and really does help hold profile (and seems to really zip an arrow) I don't thin I want to do it again. Some of the sinew dry up off the backing at spots- it just didn't look very nice afterwards. I also took the sinew only up to where the wrappings are, keeping it shorter- I like it. I intend to try this with a longer hickory bow later.
However, this bow had a natural deflexed portion, where the handle pushed the limb forward and the limb itself curved back, that I was unable to take out with heat and steam. After shooting the result is a few small frets on the inside of the limb at that spot. Should I worry about this?
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