A lot of good advice given to you all ready. Remember that the stress is looking for a weak spot in the limbs. If it finds that weak spot it can cause a hinge. The idea is to blend that stress of a drawn bow throughout the limbs and to balance the limbs with each other. Depending on how you lay the bow out can come into play with the limb balance. I usually lay the handle out where the center of the handle is at the center of the bows length. When layed out this way, I try and have the top limb slightly weaker then the bottom. I judge this easiest at brace where the top limb measures out 1/8" to 1/4" more from the string perpendicular to the belly.
One way to get more working limb is to cut down on your handle and fade lengths. I lay mine out with a 4" handle and 1-1/2" fades...basically 7" on nonbending area in the handle/fades. I usually leave my tips slightly thick for about 4" or so as well.
These are just some of my practices...lots of correct ways to go about making a bow. You can learn a lot from asking questions here, I know I have.