If you don't actually make bows, or have tillered a good amount of bows, I'm telling you right now you are going to ruin that bow. My advice is just be happy with it. There's no way to tell what is actually going on in the photos you posted, as the draw picture is only about half drawn. So there is no way to tell what is really going on at full draw, which is what matters (along with taking the unbraced profile in mind as well). And although a lot of the time the tiller can be judged pretty close by the braced profile, this is not always so of course, and definitely shouldn't be tillered on that alone, you need to tiller a bow from how it draws and works. Especially with character bows, which is what you got right there. From the sheer amount of reflex, I would guess the bow has not been super stressed, any part that is working way too much would gain enough set most likely to show, although it is long + osage + might not of been drawn or shot in yet too much. If you could get a good full draw photo, at least 28" or so, or a couple, than maybe folks on here could give tiller advice. But then, I would advice just handing to someone who has tillered a good amount of bows that is trustworthy, and have them see what they think, and if they deem it necessary, then let them scrape it here or there, etc. Thats my 2 cents anyhow, Merry Christmas!