Main Discussion Area > Arrows

bamboo heads on 4-footed shafts

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thanks guys.  too bad bowhunting is illegal in germany.  i'd like to try these heads on some bunnies  ;D

kowechobe, do you think it's better to temper first, then shape and then sharpen?  or would it work as well if i shaped them first, then tempered and then sharpened?

  Marius--I tempered them first, but I think if you shape them-temper-sharpen , you will be ok............bob

  Like Bob and Pat said.Boo can get scary sharp.When I was younger we would split a piece and use one side to fillet fish.You can also make a nasty self defence weapon by cutting a 2' by 24" piece, wrapping a handle area with tape and then splitting the rest in quarters length wise.When hitting an object or person it spreads into 8 sharp cutting edges.These were used in the far east.

Good lookin' arrows, Marius. I've seen documentaries of Papuan natives cutting each other's hair and slicing up pigs with bamboo knives, looked like they were razor sharp. Eddie, that sounds kinda ouchie lol.

thanks guys.  now a question about tempering.  i was gonna bake them in my wives oven (unless you have a better suggestion, which i'm sure my wife would appreciate  ;D).  what kind of times and temperatures do you recommend?


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