sorry fellas. been workin my but off. i have a few pics. my camera died the other day . i'll be getting more this weekend.
first one is plantain. lawn weed. it was introduced by the europeans as a vegetable. its healthier than spinach. the seed pods contain a lot of vitamins also . including some of the b vitamins. this is my main source of daytime nurishment.

my main source of protein right now. these were cooked in the burdock leaves they are laying on. done on hot coals. delicious

this is the flower stem from the burdock plant. burdock is an incredible plant. its a cleansing plant. helps to detoxify the liver and strengthen the system. the root from first year plants is used as a vegetable. or tea. i use the root from the older plants as tea and eat the younger. the flower stalk can be peeled and eaten. very similar to water chestnuts in asian food. this one was getting woody so i chewed the juices out and spit out the pulp.