I may follow your lead Jamie and do my own living off the wild for about a week or so and just see how it goes? Sounds like good redneck entertainment. I live within a stones throw of a river that's full of nature's bounty, the river can provide nearly everything a man needs to survive and I believe that's why Indians usually settled near them.
I also know where AA76 is coming from cause I was on the Atkins diet for over a year and lost over 100 lbs. on it. At first I was craving carbs like a mad man and thought I was gonna lose my mind, then after about 2 weeks of eating nothing but meat and veggies I felt awesome! The weight just started falling off like crazy and my energy level went through the roof. My wife at the time was reaping the benefits as well cause my sex drive went off the charts. LOL

I think the body goes through a cleansing period until it rids itself of all the bad stuff we put in it, then the afterburners kick in. When I lost all the weight I felt better and looked better than I had since high school and was even about 15 lbs. lighter than when I graduated.
I need to get back on it again, but I'll have to put some fresh deer meat in my freezer first. That's what I mainly survived on when I was low carb eating.
Do you have any good links for wild edible plants or recipes for them? I live in Missouri and I know some of the goodies, but not nearly enough to keep it interesting. I know I can get plenty of protein with fish, crawdads, squirrels, ect. but it's the plants to go with it that I'm not too saavy about.