I have this beautifully grained hickory board i had been saving. was going to make it a present for a friend, first i made the limbs to skinny for my target weight and realized it as soon as i was finished cutting out the shape

. ok, well now im shooting for 50 +/- 5 lbs or so, i hit 63, not going to complain about it, i can handle that weight and she sure is pretty. so i finish tillering, shoot it in, stain with some watered down grey acrylic paints let dry and clearcoat. about 20 min after the clearcoat is dry i pulled it back enjoying the weight of it and *crack*, im looking everywhere and dont see anything wrong, pull it back slowly and nothing. pull it back regular draw and *crack* i took the string off and searched it, the back has small cracks across it that have some texture. i restrung the bow they stand a hair higher, oh and the limb the cracks show up on gained about 3/4" string follow from before cracks to after... is there anything easy i can do about this? or should i plane the back, glue a new board to it and retiller? here are some pics of said culprit.

Thanks for any advice in advance.
Dustin D